The ultimate hotel solution, completely free
No fees, investment, or vendor lock-in. Plug and play!

Book hotels at jaw-dropping rates. Take your business travel under a single roof. Save time and money.

€ 0 / booking
  • The lowest real-time rates
  • Policies, profiles, data, analytics
  • One-stop payments & financing
  • Free booking & travel support

See how it works. Sign up to start booking

Hotel inventory
B2B rates from 20+ leading providers Free 10€+ /booking
Leisure rates (, Expedia etc.) Free Not available
Corporate negotiated rates On request Not available
Booking engine
Advanced search (map, by amenities, C02 emissions etc.) Limited
Book from one app Website redirect
Rate benchmarking
Traveler profiles and documents Free/Paid plans
Unlimited travel policies Premium/paid plans
Payments and financing
Lodge, credit, debit, virtual cards Free, no fees Fees apply
Direct debit Accepted Not accepted
Pre-financing(periodic invoice) As contracted Not available
Forex fees Covered by us Yes (hidden fees)
Payment of hotel extras On request Paid at hotel
Support & travel assistance
Emergency travel support Free Free
24/7 booking support Free Limited
Group & event booking Free Paid/Not available
Manual booking verification Free Not available
Admin & back-office
Real-time reporting Free In some cases
Monthly reporting & analytics Free Free
Custom integrations (HR, expensing etc.) On request Paid subscriptions
  • Do you have the largest hotel inventory out there?

    Yes, we do. We sport over 2 million hotels and counting, across 229 countries and territories (including China). We connect to all major GDS networks, have contracts with over 20 of the world’s leading bed banks, and integrate seamlessly with consumer platforms such as, Trivago, Expedia. You can be sure you’ll find the perfect hotel at the perfect rates on our platform.

  • Can I use your platform with other tools I already have?

    Absolutely! You’re as free as a bird, especially because there are no setup or ongoing fees. But most of our clients tend to stick with Horse21 because it’s convenient and inexpensive, and you can load your own negotiated rates in the app anyway.

  • How can you have the lowest rates and still be free?

    In two words: history and technology. We’ve been in business since 2012, so our expertise, industry knowledge and trust with hotels and suppliers let us negotiate incredibly competitive rates and commissions. And since our cloud platform automates most of the activities that eat away time and budget, we keep our costs very low. We earn money from bookings either as a small markup on rates, or as a commission from the supplier.

  • How does pre-financing work, i.e. one monthly bill?

    It’s basically a credit line. In a nutshell, we book and pay for everything, including extras, and send one bill once a month. We usually offer this service to the clients of travel agencies or travel management companies (TMCs) we have contracts with. In some cases, we offer this to corporate travelers directly. Contact us to see if you qualify.

  • What clients do you work with?

    The platform is for everyone who travels for business. Whether you’re a small startup or a transnational company, you’ll benefit from getting all things hotel under one roof. Since 2012, we’ve worked primarily with travel agencies and companies specialized in business travel. Peep Travel is our integrated technology service built from the ground up for the end user.

  • What if I already have a travel agency or TMC?

    That’s perfectly fine. Since there are no fees, ongoing or otherwise, you can use Peep Travel to do occasional bookings in-house, with no risk or investment. Or, even better, you can help your agency switch to Peep Travel and serve you with better technology. We special offers for TMCs and travel agencies, so make sure you send yours our way so we can explain the benefits to them.

  • Do you only work with hotels?

    Hotels are the hardest and least developed aspect of business travel, so we focused on them headfirst. But we’re taking on the whole package very soon! Expect air travel, apartments, trains and even car hire around mid-2019. Stay tuned!

Lead the travel technology race
Arm yourself and your clients with the ultimate hotel booking platform, without risk or commitment.